We have partnered with the Chapel & York US Foundation to accept sadaqa and zakat from the US on our behalf. This partnership allows us to save on the costs required to operate our own US 501(c)(3) non-profit while providing US donors the opportunity to support us with tax-deductible donations.

The Chapel & York US Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) with EIN 81-2161937.
All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law and the Foundation will issue a tax receipt to acknowledge your donation.

You may donate to us via the Chapel & York US Foundation in the following ways:


Online donations are made through https://chapel-yorkusfoundation.org/donate/. You can set up monthly recurring donations when donating online. Please select ‘Cambridge Muslim College’ in the drop-down list. If you are giving zakat, please write ‘zakat’ under ‘suggest a use of your gift’. We currently do not offer other areas you can allocate the donation towards.


For security purposes, Chapel & York does not publicly list its bank account details. Please fill in the wire transfer form here and the wire transfer details will be emailed to you.


Check donations should be made payable to the Chapel & York Foundation and sent to:

Chapel & York US Foundation
155 E. 44th Street
6th Floor, Suite 34
New York, NY 10017

So that the Foundation can allocate your donation correctly, please include a completed ‘Offline Donation Form’ which can be found here, or email info@chapel-yorkfoundation.org for a copy.

Please note you should fill in this form each time you donate by wire to ensure you receive the Foundation’s most up to date bank details and so that they can match your gift with Cambridge Muslim College.


The Chapel & York US Foundation can accept donations of stock through its Stifel Nicolaus brokerage account. Please complete the online form here (or contact info@chapel-yorkfoundation.org for a copy). Once the form is submitted, you will receive an email with our account details.


The Chapel & York US Foundation can be named as the recipient of legacies and bequests in your will and other planned giving instruments. Please email info@chapel-yorkfoundation.org to discuss specific arrangements.


The Chapel & York US Foundation will send an acknowledgement to you confirming receipt of your donation. Please note that they require your email address for the receipt and your physical address for tax purposes.

Acknowledgements are sent when donations have been received by the Foundation – for online donations this is immediate; wire transfers and cheques may take several days to arrive.

There may be a delay in acknowledgement if you do not provide all the correct information alongside a donation.


If you have any questions, please contact the Foundation at info@chapel-yorkfoundation.org, or you can contact the Development Team at donate@cambridgemuslimcollege.ac.uk

If you prefer not to donate via Chapel & York, please go back to donate where you will find other ways of supporting us.

