We accept Cryptocurrency

We serve a diverse and global audience, and we want to make it convenient for people to donate to us. We rely on donations to continue our work, so it is crucial that we use all platforms available – where appropriate – to maximise donations. 

We also recognise that cryptocurrencies have the potential to play an important role in many spheres of society. As an institution with a mission to develop leadership, we think it is important for the College to engage with and reflect upon the innovative ideas of our time. 

However, we are aware that cryptocurrency is relatively volatile, and that there is a spectrum of rulings on its Islamic validity. Therefore we are launching this as a pilot scheme which will be reviewed. 

We welcome your thoughts and ideas. Please email us at development@cambridgemuslimcollege.ac.uk.

We will convert your cryptocurrency donation into fiat currency as soon as possible. Since cryptocurrencies can fluctuate heavily, we want to preserve the value of your sadaqa and zakat. 

In the future, we may hold some types of cryptocurrencies as investment, but this is not our current approach.

Our understanding is that zakat is always due on any crypto-asset bought to resell. As for crypto-assets bought to hold, zakat may be due depending on the underlying asset. 

We advise you to consult a scholar to determine if you need to pay zakat on your crypto-assets. 

If you are making a zakat payment, please email us at donate@cambridgemuslimcollege.ac.uk to let us know.

Yes. However, we always welcome the opportunity to engage further with our donors which we will not be able to do with anonymous donors. 

Yes, Patrons can donate in cryptocurrency as long as the value of your donation meets the £3,000 threshold on the day of your donation. Please email us at donate@cambridgemuslimcollege.ac.uk to let us know you would like to become a Patron.

Yes. We work with The Giving Block, a trusted provider for charities to offer you the best level of protection. However, all online transactions carry risk and you should always be vigilant.

The Giving Block accepts the main cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and many more. Please select ‘other crypto options’ on the Giving Block widget to see which ones they accept.

Further questions? Please contact us at development@cambridgemuslimcollege.ac.uk and we would be more than happy to help. 

Please visit here for other ways to donate. 

